Monday 2 December 2013

Week Something! (I've forgotten!)


Hello again! I know I haven't posted much. But hayfever really sucks! (Mostly due to the fact I haven't made this into a habit yet).

So  not much has been happening recently.
But I've kinda learnt HTML!
Check it out. These words are in bold
This is in italics
I'm not sure what this does
This does something too :D

Looking at it in normal view makes it look weird!
So back to whats been happening. Nothing special. Watched catching fire (My goodness was it AWESOME). I personally think it was really well made compared to the book. (Unlike Eragon
That movie did terrible justice to the book Ugh .
I've also been learning basic web hacking via
They don't teach you all that unrealistic fancy stuff they show in movies but it's very interesting knowledge on website security.
Started the early commencement thingo school's have been implementing to "further" our education. It's actually really boring and not done very well at my school. With exams over and no more SAC's. I'm already in holiday mode! Going out and chilling in the city, Camping at home on hot days playing MMORPG's. Speaking of which,

I've started reading the light novels for sword art online! Downloaded the whole thing via torrents
bookstores. (shifty eyes). I'd have to say, the novel provides more interesting storyline than the anime (which had really great animations btw).
Well. Periods about to end! So thats it for week X!
Have a great break guys! CHRISTMAS COMINGGGGGGG <3